Vũ khí act as a deterrent for trong 2552 style

Ví dụ trong sách anh Kiên hơi ít nên mình siêu tập từ  báo the guardian thêm để ta thành thạo hơi cái con này nhé. Nó cực kì hữu dụng trong bài về tôi phạm hay luật pháp. 

  1. Long sentences for drug mules were never going to act as a deterrent for 
  2. Rehabilitation do not necessarily act as a deterrent 
  3. Stricter penalties for unlawful activities would act as a deterrent for authorities to prevent potential criminals from committing crimes 
  4. Heavy fines for would act as an deterrent for traffic violator 
  5. … because it would act as a deterrent against laws such as fracking bans
  6. Narrowing the age of people who are eligible to drivers acts as a deterrent for traffic congestion 
  7. Put a heavy tax on processed foods acts as a deterrent for the increase of the number obese people 
  8. Stricter rules and heavy fines act as a deterrent for discharging industrial waste of factories 
  9.  spending too much time on taking care of a baby would act as deterrent for parents to develop their career
  10. banning mobile phones would even act as a deterrent for social behavior 
  11. social distancing would act as a deterrent for spreading corona virus 
  12. closing national frontiers would act as a deterrent for unprecedentedly spreading virus
  13. increasing the prices of alcohol would act as a deterrent for die-hard  drinkers 
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