Cách sử dụng cụm ” act as an incentive for” in essay

acts as incentive for: được xem như sự khích lệ cho điều gì hoặc hai đó 
Đọc ví dụ khắc hiểu: dân ielts rồi ko giải thích nhiều nghen :3 

  1. I believe that cash bonus would act as an incentive for employees to work harder
  2. this scheme is intended to act as an incentive for drivers to work on night shifts 
  3. this would act as an incentive for children to be studious 
  4. this would act as an incentive for the citizens to visit local museums and historical sites more frequently 
  5. this would act as an incentive for teenagers to take part in more in charity activities 

    Một ngày nọ bạn sẽ có quyền tự hào về những gì mình đã cố gắng! fighting

    Cách dùng contribution 

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